Click here for a letter from Mrs. Mendoza!
Exciting progress is happening in the Bond Program as we work toward the replacement of Armin Jahr Elementary and View Ridge Elementary Arts Academy. Our project team is developing the education specifications, which detail how each space in the new schools should function and look. This information will guide the design and support the upcoming schematic design phase. We’re also working with the City of Bremerton to coordinate our permitting plans and reviewing site reports to ensure the new buildings are designed with environmental and site conditions in mind.
Our Replacement Elementary Advisory Committee (photo, right), which includes community representatives, is actively involved and providing valuable feedback to the project team. We look forward to providing more engagement opportunities soon, so please stay tuned for ways to learn more and lend your voice to the project!
Meanwhile, we’re also moving forward with the district-wide HVAC upgrades. Our design team has been reviewing each school, and we will soon recommend a contractor to help address aging systems and bring cooling to our classrooms. We’re also taking steps for the replacement of the Consolidated Facilities building, and with state approval in December, we’ll begin assembling the next project team.
Thanks to everyone for your continued support as we work toward building better facilities for our community!
Click here to visit our district bond page.
For the month of October our character trait of the month was responsibility. The following students were awarded a certificate for showing responsibility throughout the month.
Sylvie, Aurora, Grey, Layla, Ezra, Dee Dee, SJ,
Emma, Harper, Derek, Amaryllis, Zen, Bella, Jhayda, Jadyanna, Kharson, Winona, Ruby, Sasha, Daryl, Haylee, Jaida, Adeline, Ryley June, David, Livia, Eva, Emma, Dallas, Aaron, Railynn, Holly, Marvin, Caleb, Ameilya, Jade, Roman, Persephone and Owen.
This month's trait is Gratitude
Family Income Survey & Impact Aid
Please make sure you fill out our CNEEB form and impact aid form. This information helps provide state funded programs. The forms are in Skyward in your ABC's. You can also get one from the office.
November 28&29- Thanksgiving Break- no school
December 23-Jan 3- Winter Break- no school
Volunteering in our school
Welcome, we are excited to have you volunteer! Please fill out and submit the application as soon as possible. Please also fill out this form. Once received and completed by the district, you will receive an email confirming your application. Should you have any questions please feel free to call or email Keely at keely.johnson@bremertonschools.org.
Student drop off is 8:55 at the earliest. We do not have supervision prior to that.
Please pick up students promptly at the end of the day. We have had a lot of students picked up late.
Lastly, please remember attendance is very important. Click here for our attendance awareness letter. If your student is going to be absent please let the office know. 360-473-4507.
President- Katie Ketterer
Vice President- TBD
Treasurer- Thresia Busch
Secretary- Karysa Warren
Other positions TBD
Trick or Treat Street was a great success! The PTA would like to thank all of the families and supporters that contributed candy for the event, as well as volunteers and staff. Over 350 costumed kiddos attended the event. We love this community building event and couldn’t do it without the generous candy donations, amazing staff, and outstanding volunteers!
Next up for the PTA is our regular monthly meeting on Thursday November 17th at 4pm in the View Ridge Library. We are also working on VIP seating for upcoming student performances. Proceeds from the VIP seating will support PTA programs like last year’s music assembly “Show Brazil with Eduardo” and the 5th grader’s annual Island Wood adventure. Flyers with more information and sign up instructions will be sent home with students a few weeks ahead of each performance.
PTA meetings are the third Thursday of the month.
11/21, 12/19, 1/23, 2/20, 3/20, 4/17, 5/15
After school clubs starting soon
Soccer and chess clubs are starting soon!
Soccer club will be on Thursdays. Nov 14- March 20 from 3:45-5:00
Chess Club will be on Fridays. Nov 15th-March 21 from 3:45-5:00
Please pick up your students promptly at 5pm at the front stairs.
Every Wednesday- release at 1:40
November 23rd- 1st,4th and Ms.Schnyder's Dance Showcase- 5pm @ East Bremerton Community Gym
December 11- 5th Grade Musical @ BHS PAC 6pm
College and career spirit week is coming in November. See flier for details. Click here to see the Spanish version.
In case you need to order Otter Gear, here is the link. Please check the site for shipping information.
Our Disney after school drama program is getting ready to begin. Packets have gone home for interested 3rd through 5th graders. Our program will meet every Monday and Tuesday from 3:35 - 5:15 starting on October 28th. Our performance of "Lion King Kids" will be on April 24th and 25th. If you have any questions or need a new packet, please email kathryn.sprague@bremertonschools.org or call the office.
Grade Level Instructional Focus
Jennifer Crane- jennifer.crane@bremertonschools.org
Dottie Armistead- dorothy.armistead@bremertonschools.org
Faith McIntosh- faith.mcintosh@bremertonschools.org
SEL (Social Emotional Learning)
- Letter Names & Sounds
- Isolating the beginning sounds in words
- Writing letters (letter formation)
- Writing our Name (starting with a capital letter & the rest lowercase)
- Counting objects to 10 using strategies such as
- Touch & Count
- Slide (Move) & Count
- Mark & Count
- Identifying Numbers to 10
- Writing numbers to 10
Anita Cryder- anita.cryder@bremertonschools.org
Melissa McCourt- melissa.mccourt@bremertonschools.org
Ruth Perez- ruth.perez@bremertonschools.org
Dottie Schnyder- dorothy.schnyder@bremertonschools.org
Reading: Reading and Writing words with short vowels and digraphs (sh, th, ch, wh and ck)
Writing: Penmanship and writing a complete sentence with spaces between words, capitalization, and punctuation
Math: Finishing Module 1 on Counting, Comparing and adding with numbers;
Beginning Module 2 on Addition and Subtraction Relationships
SEL: Skills for Learning including Focusing attention, listening, positive self talk and asking for help when needed
Character Trait for November: Showing Gratitude
Tina Bowers- tina.bowers@bremertonschools.org
Lynda Shipley- lynda.shipley@bremertonschools.org
Melinda Villines- melinda.villines@bremertonschools.org
Dottie Schnyder- dorothy.schnyder@bremertonschools.org
Review of place value
Addition with and without regrouping using place value strategies
Retelling stories with beginning, middle, and end
Retell the problem and solution in stories
Identify main idea and details
Writing: Expanding simple sentences
Behavior: Main Focus: Gratitude
Practicing classroom/school expectations
Review Respect and Responsibility
Heidi Estano- heidi.estano@bremertonschools.org
Alberto Flores-alberto.flores@bremertonschools.org
Shannon Gooding- shannon.gooding@bremertonschools.org
Math-Place Value Concepts/Continue multiplication and division
Reading-Use prefix/suffix to determine the meaning of an unknown word
Make connections and connect within a text.
Writing-Information or Opinion on personal topic
Behavior-Continue working on classroom commitments
Benny Dixon- benjamin.dixon@bremertonschools.org
Philip Thompson- philip.thompson@bremertonschools.org
Katie Sprague- kathryn.sprague@bremertonschools.org
In ELA, We are working on informational texts and Literature texts with the focus on theme and main idea. We have been identifying words based on context clues and prior knowledge as well.
ELA Essential Standards: RI1,RI2, RL1, and RL2
In Math, we completed Module 1 on addition and subtraction with a unit assessment. Now we have started Module 2 focusing on multiplication and division.
Math Essential Standards: NBT5 and NBT6
Our dance performance is a few weeks away! Save the date for November 23rd at 5:00 pm (Saturday) for our Fall Dance Showcase at the East Bremerton Community Gym. The Food Drive for our school will begin Monday, November 4th. Thanksgiving Break is November 28th-29th.
Michelle Baumgarten- michelle.baumgarten@bremertonschools.org
Meredith Vincent- toni.vincent@bremertonschools.org
Katie Sprague- kathryn.sprague@bremertonschools.org
In math, we are finishing our multiplication and division unit and moving on to adding and subtracting fractions. We are also emphasizing multi step problem solving using all operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.)
In ELA, we are working on finding the main idea and supporting details in informational text. We are continuing to write narrative pieces and working on adding sensory details and organizing our thoughts.
Our musical is coming up fast! Our students should be "off book" soon with their lines and songs memorized. We are starting to work on building our sets and creating our costumes. Our December 11th performance is going to be fantastic!
We have been working on many art projects and can't wait to show you at conferences next week. Our hallway and classroom walls are full of color and joy!
Our Fall Dance Showcase is this month on Saturday, November 23rd at 5:00. All are welcome to come and celebrate with our 1st and 4th graders as they show off their hard work! Next up will be our 2nd and 3rd graders with their Dance Showcase on February 22nd.
Our 5th graders are getting closer to taking the stage in their musical, "Bots." This is a show you won't want to miss! Save the date for December 11th at 6:00 in the Bremerton High School Performing Arts Center.
As you are in the school next week for conferences, be sure to check out all the incredible art around the building. We have such talented and hard working kids!
Kindergarten - In November we are working on identifying phrases that move up and down and singing high and low. We will also be working on moving our bodies to the steady beat as well as singing songs that focus on the holiday theme of Thanksgiving.
First Grade - In November we begin working on songs for our musical Three Nanny Goats Gruff. We will analyze the story and learn how stories are turned into musicals. As we sing we will work on being in-tune and having good singing posture.
Second Grade - This month we continue working on our Musical EIEI Oops. Soloists and speakers now have their parts and we are working on blocking our scenes and songs. Of course we are still singing and dancing!
Third Grade - In November we continue learning how to read notes and rhythms from the musical staff. We will also be learning to sing and make the hand sign for the note high Do.
Fourth Grade - In November we are learning three new notes; E, D and C, on the recorder. Songs we will be playing are: The E Note Rap, Old MacDonald and The A-C Song. We will also be learning about improvisation in the jazz and blues styles.
Fifth Grade - In November we continue working on our musical Bots. We will be acting “off book” and singing with the accompaniment tracks. We’re very excited to share our performance on December 10th.
Bremerton Voices is a district wide choir for third, fourth and fifth grade students. We meet on Mondays to sing a variety of musical styles in 3 different languages. We rehearse every week and will join choirs from all of the Bremerton Elementary schools for a combined performance on Feb 19th at the Bremerton High School Performing Arts Center. New singers are always welcome.